Marketing & Brand

The evolving needs in

Marketing & Brand

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Ensure Message Consistency

Make it easy for reps to deliver your brand message with accuracy and impact

Increase Asset Use in the Field

Make your marketing materials and sales aids easy for reps to find and use in HCP interactions

See What’s Working

Understand your field reps’ competence and confidence in brand messaging

“ACTO combines Sales Training and Sales Enablement into one tool. It’s an easy-to-use platform for sales reps to find sales and marketing content.”

Dan Mellon, Project Manager,
Sales Operations, Philips Respironics

What can ACTO do?


Talk Tracks for Any Asset

Provide reps access to marketing assets with overlaid context so they can present accurately and in a more personal way to health care providers (HCPs)


Help Reps Find What They Need

Allow reps to find marketing materials and sales aids with smart voice-enabled search, so they have they have what they need in a matter of seconds


Get Performance Insight

Gain visibility into which territories, teams, and reps are competent and confident delivering the brand message

Trends in Marketing & Brand

increase in new patient starts when reps use content during HCP calls 1
more content created by pharma brand teams than year prior 1
of field content is never or rarely used 1

The Critical Gap in Pharma Omnichannel Marketing

Face-to-face rep meetings are the most desired and effective channel with HCPs, yet these interactions are the hardest to control and measure. How do you bridge this gap?

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