Content is king, but in our industry, that king must always be compliant. This is usually top of mind when writing and deploying market-facing materials, but how do you know they will stay current? How can you know whether the training and assets you produce continue to be engaging and actively used, which would assure you that your field team is staying compliant? When designing training content and resources, it is critical to realize the significance of generating content that can be easily digested, recalled, and – most importantly – found, to prevent teams from using inaccurate or out-of-date materials.
On the latest episode of The Learning Journey, we speak with Maria Bavisih, Associate Scientific Director at Axiom, an industry scientific writer and expert. With experience in large pharmaceutical companies, she is exceptionally talented at developing material for diverse audiences while keeping it interesting and engaging. Listen as she talks about how to craft compliant materials for reps, HCPs, and stakeholders and what the most important criteria are for those groups. She also walks through best practices for eliminating the use of “homemade bread” (inaccurate content). As a bonus, she shares content strategies for approaching different audiences – from reps all the way to patients. In the era of Google, ensuring your teams are using MLR-approved content is more vital than ever. Listen to Maria’s advice to guarantee your materials remain compelling and compliant. The Compliant Content Creation Learning Journey
“To make content that you want somebody to really learn from and really get the most out of when they’re reading it is to make it applicable to them as they’re reading it and help them draw connections – especially clinical connections.”