MIND THE GAP: See how Kaleo has Revolutionized Post-Training Follow-Up to Reduce Competency Gaps with ACTO!


Does your reinforcement training target individual competency gaps and use that information to provide personalized training?When reinforcement training is provided, it is often one-size-fits-all, forcing unnecessary retraining for some, while neglecting the specific needs of others. Join us to hear Tanya Stamp, National Field Sales Trainer at Kaleo, discuss how innovative reinforcement techniques have empowered their field reps to take ownership of their learning path, validate their knowledge, and strengthen competency.

Learn how to:

  1. Efficiently assess knowledge and identify competency gaps with minimal disruption.
  2. Exclude reps who have demonstrated competency from unnecessary training.
  3. Deliver personalized training to reps who are challenged in specific areas.